Some initial guidelines from one of America's top gold experts :
Online interview of Michael J. Kosares :
About Michael J. Kosares : Michael Kosares has nearly 40 years experience in the gold business and is the founder of USAGOLD. He is the author of The ABCs of Gold Investing: How to Protect and Build Your Wealth With Gold as well as numerous magazine and internet articles. He is frequently interviewed in the financial press. He is well-known for his ongoing commentary on the gold market and its economic, political and financial underpinnings.
Question. What kind of gold should I buy?
Answer : We probably get that question more than any other -- pretty much on a daily basis. The answer, however, is not as straightforward as you might think. What you buy depends upon your goals. We usually answer the "What should I buy?" question with one of our own: "Why are you interested in buying gold?" If your goal is simply to hedge financial uncertainty and/or capitalize on price movement, then contemporary bullion coins will serve your purposes. Those concerned with the possibility of capital controls and a gold seizure, or call-in, often include historic pre-1933 gold coins in their planning. Both the contemporary bullion coins and historic gold coins trade at modest premiums over their gold melt value, track the gold price, and enjoy strong liquidity internationally.
Question. When should I buy?
The short answer is 'When you need it.' Gold, first and foremost, is wealth insurance. You cannot approach it the way you approach stock or real estate investments. Timing is not the real issue. The first question you need to ask yourself is whether or not you believe you need to own gold. If you answer that question in the affirmative, there is no point in delaying your actual purchase, or waiting for a more favorable price which may or may not appear. Cost averaging can be a good strategy. The real goal is to diversify so that your overall wealth is not compromised by economic dangers and uncertainties like the kind generated by the 2008 financial crisis, or those now unfolding in Europe and Japan.
Question. What percentage of my assets should I invest in gold?
Answer : Once again the answer is not cut and dry, but a general rule of thumb is 10% to 30%. How high you go between 10% and 30% depends upon how concerned you are about the current economic, financial and political situation. Recently, CNBC television commentator Jim Cramer strongly advocated a 20% gold diversification.
Question. Can you briefly describe what you believe to be the biggest mistake investors make when starting out as gold owners?
Answer. The biggest trap investors fall into is buying a gold investment that bears little or no relationship to his or her objectives. Take safe-haven investors for example. That group makes up 90% of our clientele, and probably a good 75% of the current physical gold market. Most often the safe-haven investor simply wants to add gold coins to his or her portfolio mix, but too often this same investor ends up instead with a leveraged (financed) gold position, or a handful of exotic rare coins, or a position in an ETF that amounts to little more than a bet on the gold price. These have little to do with safe-haven investing, and most investors would be well served to avoid them.
Question. What about gold futures contracts?
Answer. Futures contracts are generally considered one of the most speculative arenas in the investment marketplace. The investor's exposure to the market is leveraged and the moves both up and down are greatly exaggerated. Something like 9 out of 10 investors who enter the futures market come away losers. For someone looking to hedge his or her portfolio against economic and financial risk, this is a poor substitute for owning the metal itself.
Question. Please summarize -- What is the best approach for the safe-haven investor?
Answer. If you want to protect yourself against inflation, deflation, stock market weakness and potential currency problems -- in other words, if you want to hedge financial uncertainties, there is only one portfolio item that will serve you in all seasons and under most circumstances -- gold coins and bullion. Make sure you do your homework on the company with which you choose to do business, and make sure that the gold ownership vehicle you choose truly reflects your goals and aspirations.
Though this interview will help you start safely on the road to gold ownership, it is just an overview.
International Gold Rates: Gold 24K / Ounce : $1,365.23 (April 16)
International Gold Rates : Pak Rupees : Rs.1,35135
Pakistan Gold Rates : Karachi [Gold 24K per Tola] Rs. 53,500.00 (April 15) ( By Karachi Saraf Jewelers Association )
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